Sunday, July 08, 2007

"The Best Seats Are Free"

Travel writer Rick Steves says, "The best seats are free." This came to mind today as Tanya, Anastasia, and I had a five hour slow stroll through St. Petersburg. On this relaxing Sunday afternoon and evening we had a little rain and lots of sunshine. We enjoyed several concerts. There were bridal couples, pensioners dancing, and birds flying. Here are some of the things we saw along the way:

A fisherman pulled this catch out of the Fontanka (Fountain) Canal
just as we walked by.

This is the famous "Cheezhik Peezhik", a little bronze bird on the Fontanka Canal onto which people drop coins hoping they will stay around the bird. There is a well known rhyme in Russian. It sounds like this: "Cheezhik Peezhik gaday tee buill?
Na Fontanka vodka puill."
My translation:
"Cheezhik Peezhik, where have you been?
On the Fontanka drinking vodka."

Just as I snapped a photo of two swans in a pond in the Summer Garden, a few pigeons flew by. I call this place Swan Lake.

Anastasia and me in the Summer Garden
another happy groom and bride

In the future, whenever anyone asks me to recall a peaceful scene, this will be it: sitting in the shade of the trees in St. Petersburg's Summer Garden listening to a talented musician play the vibraphone and enjoying the fragrance of jasmine in the air.

We enjoyed the sweet fragrance of jasmine blooms
in Summer Park.

pensioners dancing in Summer Park
to live orchestra music
flowing champagne
"Spas Na Krovi" Church

Dessert at a coffee house after the stroll

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